mercredi 24 mai 2017

Célibat définition

Célibat définition

Abstinence is also called continence and is the often temporary strict avoidance of all forms of sexual activity for any reason. Reasons include personal, religious, social, or bad luck. a : abstention from sexual intercourse. Celibacy (from Latin, clibatus ) is the state of voluntarily being unmarrie sexually abstinent, or both, usually for religious reasons. Of, relating to, or characterized by celibacy: a.

Bouvard and Pcuchet, part Gustave Flaubert Between these the primal law of celibacy between brother and sister as such embraced the whole generation. Mostly used in terms of abstaining from sexual relations. A celibate is someone who is celibate.

Because he regarded sex outside marriage as sinful, he remained celibate all his life. It is often in association with the role of a religious official or devotee. The Pope bluntly told the world s priests yesterday to stay celibate. : the state of not being married.

Prejudices: celibacy of priests, futility of adultery, emancipation of woman. Adjective Someone who is celibate does not marry or have sex, because of their religious beliefs.

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celibacy (1) Abstention from sexual relations. A person who remains unmarrie especially for religious reasons. a person who abstains from sexual relations. Not engaging in or characterized by sexual intercourse. A person who abstains from having sex: She has chosen to be celibate until marriage. a person who remains unmarried for religious reasons: The priests have. A person who practices celibacy is said to be celibate. celibate unknown To go without sex, either willingly or not.

Celibate synonyms, celibate pronunciation, celibate translation, English dictionary definition of celibate. Only cure for a celibate individual is a slut or large amounts of alcohol to make the celibate person forget the aforementioned reasons.
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