jeudi 18 juillet 2019

Scottish fold caractère

Scottish fold caractère

Scottish Fold Cats: the character and reviews Because cats The character of Scottish Fold cats Scottish Fold is a cat breed with incredible ears curved forward and a wonderful character. The eyes are very roun bright and clear. She is a very round looking cat. Their personality also depends on the breed of the non-folded parent. Susie s ears had an unusual fold in their middle, making her resemble an owl.

The legs appear roun as does the tail in comparison to its length.

Scottish fold temperament and personality Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold Cats: the character and reviews Because cats

He may also have a ruff around the neck. The character of the Scottish Fold cat is not unique, since every kitten brings something new to the life of its owner. In terms of personality Scottish folds vary almost as much as humans do.

The Scottish Fold (or the lop-eared cat) is a cat breed originating from Scotland and characterized by its folded ears. They have a similarly calm disposition to the British Shorthair but are a lot more cuddlesome and playful. Scottish fold temperament and personality Scottish Fold. La forme trs trange de ses oreilles replies en avant, associe un regard trs tendre, confre au chat Scottish Fold un aspect doux et gentil mais le ct le plus agrable de ce chat est quil unit, la docilit dun parfait chat domestique, la vivacit, lagilit et la robustesse. The Scottish Fold comes in a number of colors and patterns, including soli tabby, tabby and white, bicolor and particolor.

With its chubby figure, short dense coat, big round eyes and adorable short legs, the Scottish Fold has charmed many cat lovers in the world. The head is round and the folded ears heighten that illusion of roundness. However, some consider this to be a controversial breeding practice.

Some kittens are demanding of their person, others are calm, others are excessively curious. Scottish Folds can be found with long or short hair and in a variety of fur colors and patterns. These cats quickly adapt to new environment and new people, they are loyal and affectionate pets for the whole family.

Jan 3 20The Scottish Fold is a very sweet cat. The short coat is easy to care for. Nov 1 20Because of recent breeding strategies, some Scottish Folds express the munchkin gene a naturally occurring genetic mutation that causes shortened forelegs and hind legs. The original Scottish Fold was a white barn cat named Susie, who was found at a farm near Coupar Angus in Perthshire, Scotlan in 1961.

Each folds has its own unique trademarks, therefore it is difficult to distinguish some personality traits that all Scottish Folds share in common.
The Scottish Fold is a medium-sized cat with medium sized boning. The Scottish Fold lacks the British Shorthairs trademark independence, as a rule, and can become sad and lonely if left without company for too long. For instance, white and bicolor cats can have blue eyes or odd eyes (each eye is a different color). 19- Le simple fait de regarder aimablement son mari quivaut glorifier DIEU (sabaal Yalla ) 20- Lagrment du mari entraine celui de.

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