mardi 7 décembre 2021

Zawaj misyar definition

Zawaj misyar definition

Misyar marriage - LookLex Encyclopaedia Marriage institution in Islam, allowing for a lesser form of relationship between man and woman than normal marriage, zawaj. In short the woman gives up the right to have an independent home. Misyar is an official relationship between man and woman, but does not involve that the two live together, nor that the man is economically responsible. Misyar is an official relationship between man and woman, but does not involve that the two live together, nor that the man is economically responsible. Misyar allows the man to have a normal wife in a addition to his misyar-wife(s).

In simple terms, a misyar marriage is the Wahhabi (we will use the term Sunni from here on) counterpart of the Shia mutaamarriage. The intent of divorce, is assumed in this type of marriage, but the time of divorce must citation needed remain hidden for the wife. The misyar or travelers nikah is carried out through normal Sunni Muslim contractual procedures and involves a waiver of certain rights, predominantly by the wife.

What is Nikah Misyar, and is this kind of Marriage Permitted.

Misyar marriage - LookLex Encyclopaedia

What is Nikah Misyar, and is this kind of Marriage Permitted

Mar 2 20The literal definition of the word Muslim is one who submits, meaning one who submits to Allah, believing in Him and obeying His commandments. Nikah Misyar : definition of Nikah Misyar and synonyms of. Misyar is described as a form of marriage in which the wife gives up her rights offered under the religion, including the right to have the husband living with her in the same house and providing her with necessary expenses. A misyar marriage (Arabic:, romanized: nikah al-misyar or more often zawaj al-misyar traveller s marriage ) is a type of marriage contract in Sunni sects of Islam (some aspects are similar to mutah marriage in Shia Islam). It is a term that has been introduced recently by those discussing a specific type of matrimonial arrangement.

Thirdly: If the conditions are met and the marriage is announce and they do not agree to conceal it, either the husban the wife or their guardians, and he offered a waleemah or wedding feast, then this marriage is vali and you can call it whatever you want after that. Nikah Misyar (Arabic: ) is a Nikah (marriage) carried out via the normal contractual procedure, with the specificity that the husband and wife give up several rights by their own free will, such as living together, equal division of nights between wives in cases of polygamy, the wife s rights to housing, and maintenance money ( nafaqa and the husband s right of homekeeping, and access etc. More specifically, the word Muslim is the participle of the same Arabic verb of which Islam is the infinitive.
The term Nikah Misyar (translated sometimes as travellers marriage or marriage of convenience) is not found in the Quran, Sunna or classical works of Islamic jurisprudence.

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